Welcome to

Christ Church

High School | Koinonia

Welcome to

Christ Church

High School | Koinonia

Koinonia is here to help teenagers and their families follow Jesus in a complex world. In this pivotal season of life, students will find three weekly connection points designed to help them grow in their faith and follow Jesus through worship, serving and intentional community. They build meaningful friends and meet mentors committed to helping them know themselves and Jesus more deeply.

Service Times:
Koinonia | Sunday Mornings | Worship with their family
Oak Brook | 9:00 & 10:45 a.m.
Butterfield | 10:00 a.m.


Sunday Evenings | Oak Brook Student Center | 7:00-8:45 p.m.

Mosaic Leadership Community | September 13-May 8
7:00-8:30 p.m. | Oak Brook Auditorium

We can’t wait to meet you!

I am passionate about helping students discover rhythms of connecting with Jesus and His community so that they can live a rich and meaningful life. No matter where your student is on their faith journey, our team is ready to meet them and help them discover what it means to live like a disciple of Jesus.